
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friends~our support for life :-)

"Friends"....see how you feel when yu hear dat word??simply
cool na??? shows how they change us and make us happy...!!!they are the ones whom we love to be with.....!!!
there is no one in the world who doesnt hav friends....may be very very few of them may live without friends...,,hmmmm welll....we cant jus describe how friends mean to us....i hav many ppl know me well...i guess...!!my view towards friendship is....."Best friendship must hav fought more battles to understand better.."and am one among them...i hav many close frnds....but i dono why i feel lonely....even if i hav many...there r few of them who wanna see me happy always...and expect more from me...Only thing i wanna convey is i wanna make yu ppl happy wenever ur with me.....Hope yu ppl will always be supportive for all circumstances...and dont betray me..:P:P i beliv in yu ppl...and a small information...if yu hav any prob wid me....ask me directly....:-)i dont hav any tendency to hurt you ppl....i never do dat...some times i may be harsh..pls pardon me if i had been to you...hope so u will !! I'm rude but definitely not bad..I'm open hearted byt i never giv up my frnds infront of 3rd persons:-) i dedicate this to all ppl who like me and are true part of yu all frndss...stay wid me forever ..........:-)

yours ever loving frnd;


  1. HI sneha, i know u very well, and i am really proud to b ur friend, and thanks gor for giving me such a cool friend, i will b with u and ur side for ever and ever. hope u wont forget me and u will b always with me. you are my best friend and my cute sister,
    sorry if i hav done any mistakes
    and thanks for accepting me as ur good friend

    yours loving friend,

  2. friends re god gifted who make our life beautiful..
    good job be Sneha!
    you re one among those who reali respect friendship..

  3. The great thing abt u is that u ll not let ur sadness to the people around u..
    Ur presence always makes us happy :)
    U ll be my best friend forever :)
