
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Caring Angel~Mother !!

"Creating a warm, caring, supportive, encouraging environment is probably the most important thing you can do for your family"
descibes the word MOM....without her we r sure to suffer....she taught us to speak,walk,do things at time,good habits etc....and we do fight wid her but the next moment we find her shoulder to lean on......!!!



  1. really she is an angel but what hve we done for such an angel is the qustn to b askd if u hve answer for this give it sneha means hve u ever made ur mom happy ???????? if yes in wt sense????????

  2. i have made her happy by doing small small things in household things da....waiting to do a big thing for her...

  3. Mother is the only one who loves you more than anyone this world....Our first relation since our birth would be our mother....Its only under her guidance we came to know all the other relations in his life....She has taken many painstaking efforts to bring us in life....I love my mom a lot and wanna do many things for her.......

  4. very nice one d:) mom is our first god jus luv her:)

  5. really the only person who understands and loves me more in this beautiful world!!! i love u mommy!!

  6. Mom..
    again the best person ever..
    shes the bundle of all good things in this world!!
    love her badly..
    hats off sneha!
    for your works in blog!!

  7. Yup... My mom n me make up a very good company... he is so sweet... Love ur mom n listen to her, tht ll take you to wat u actually deserve n even desire for...
