
Monday, August 31, 2009

Sentimental and Unforgettable First LOVE:)

The first love is so special...!!
U love so hard,so dearly and so intensively...coz of the sweet innocence within you...!! itz the best until its over..then u r hurted like you are never
been hurt before...!! Eventually you can love again someone ,but you love
differently, u will love more carefully,more cautiously..:( So remember that there will be only one first love...!!! such a sweet experience....!!!! this message came as sms to me .It really impressed me a lot...though its short....only persons who have true feelings will understand conveys a mesage...Jus feel it...!!!...hope you would hav liked this post....:):)



  1. yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u re correct........!!!! i don wana rite further, as u jus ve said de mre wrds.........!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jus amazin de Sneha
    though its a sms, it needs a heart to understand the real meanin in it,,
    first love s the best love ever!
    the above msg says it all

  3. U knw it all de...

    However lucky is the one who has their first love, even as their last....
